
Literature Review

Page history last edited by Catherine Smith 14 years, 7 months ago

This page contains the Literature Review and various Bibliographies of the project. The literature review aims to highlight dilemmas within the literature relating to the Project's focus. In this way, what began as a bibliographical list gradually, but systematically, developed into the conceptual framework of the project, informing and informed by the concept map, and ongoing analysis from pilot case studies and online surveys.


The bibliography aims to locate the investigation in context. Drawing on the aims and objectives of the research project, as well as the research questions, it initially aimed to capture what we are reading (updated monthly) on work-related learning, and creative transfer; situated learning; assessment in the arts; and creative industries, employability and entrepreneurship. 

1. Alphabetical Bibliography


2. Thematic Bibliography


3. Methodology Bibliography


4. Literature Review


Older versions of the bibliography/literature review are below:


5. Bibliography: Identifying tensions and dilemmas (as of 12.12.2008)


The part of the bibliography relating to volunteering in the public and third sectors. 

6. Bibliography - Volunteering.pdf (as of 08.07.2009)






Comments (21)

Anonymous said

at 11:57 am on Dec 18, 2008

The Handbook for Arts-Based Research will be published end of 2009. Looks extremely interesting for those researching the nature of knowledge in the Arts. See ELIA website: http://www.elia-artschools.org/publications/newsletter/2008/december/index#handbook2

Anonymous said

at 5:03 pm on Dec 18, 2008

Cordelia Bryan at CLTAD UAL, has done some interesting work on assessing group processes. http://www.lancs.ac.uk/palatine/AGP/index.htm

Angeliki Triantafyllaki said

at 8:57 am on Jan 5, 2009

thanks for the Bandura literature Norman, another reference relevant in some of its chapters to the study is: Self-efficacy in changing societies, 2001, CUP.

Kirsten Hardie said

at 11:00 am on Jan 6, 2009

Another interesting source....
Thackara, J. (2005). In the Bubble. Designing in A Complex World. London: MIT Press.

Catherine Smith said

at 1:34 pm on Jan 22, 2009

Angeliki - have you come across any work from this CETL for Work Based Learning at Middlesex University?


Catherine Smith said

at 1:48 pm on Jan 22, 2009

And this one from HEA - Little, B. & Harvey, L. (2006) Learning through work placements and beyond.

Find it here:

Angeliki Triantafyllaki said

at 5:16 pm on Feb 3, 2009

characteristics of creative environments and teaching strategies (in Loveless, 2002):
• awareness of the ways in which
creativity is related to knowledge across
the curriculum
• opportunities for exploration and play
with materials, information and ideas;
• opportunities to take risks and make
mistakes in a non-threatening
• opportunities for reflection,
resourcefulness and resilience
• flexibility in time and space for the
different stages of creative activity
• sensitivity to the values of education
which underpin individual and local
interest, commitment, potential and
quality of life
• teaching strategies which acknowledge
‘teaching for creativity’ as well as
‘teaching creatively’.

Angeliki Triantafyllaki said

at 7:14 pm on Feb 10, 2009

definitions of creativity (from Grossen, 2008)
'On the one hand, the term is used in a restricted sense and refers to certain types of task, namely open-ended tasks which pertain to the artistic field. ‘Creative tasks’ are therefore tasks which requiresome form of inventiveness and invite the subjects to adopt different points of view. As regards ‘creative collaboration’, itrefers (as I understand) to two different things: either to the fact that the collaboration itself is about a ‘creative task’, or to the result of this collaboration, namely the types of outcomes which are liable to be observed when students work together.
On the other hand, however, creativity is taken in a much broader sense referring to the fact that thinking together not
only consists of re-finding bodies of knowledge, competence, skills or solutions which already exist, but also of developing
them. Emphasis is put upon the emergence of innovation, unplanned outcomes, unexpected solutions, etc., and not only
upon the reproduction of existing solutions.'

Angeliki Triantafyllaki said

at 12:12 pm on Feb 11, 2009

In Loveless (2002:2) 'Creativity can be regarded as not only a quality found in exceptional individuals, but also as an essential life skill through which people can develop their potential to use their imagination to express themselves, and make original and valued choices in their lives'.

Catherine Smith said

at 11:03 am on Feb 13, 2009

Just got this from an HEA email...
7. Work-based learning publications
The Academy has recently published three new publications in this area.

Workforce Development: Connections, Frameworks and Processes: challenges faced by WBL practitioners and how they have been overcome
Work-based Learning - A Costing Study: the financial implications of WBL delivery
Work-based Learning - An Impact Study: the effect of workforce development on employers and employees

Further information and link to publications:

Kirsten Hardie said

at 10:46 am on Feb 14, 2009

Developing Creativity for Desig students for teh world of work: a case study
for ADC-LTSN project on creativity for design students in preparation for the world of work - by Anne Massey c. 2003/4? Case study with BAGraphic Design students at The Arts Institute at Bournemouth
- needs adding to bibliography.....
offers a histiography of creativity and design....

Kirsten Hardie said

at 11:15 am on Feb 14, 2009

Tom Fisher – 1997 – The Designer’s Self-Identity Myths of Creativity and the Management of teams
Peter Senge The fifth Discipline: the art and practice of the learning organisation
Michael Ray and Rochelle Myers 1986 Creativity in Business
Michael Kirton

Catherine Smith said

at 1:14 pm on Feb 25, 2009

Check out this paper: Creative Learning, ed. Julian Sefton-Green, 2008
It's aimed at schools BUT there are essays on 'What is creative learning?' and 'The assessment of creative learning' amongst others... Sponsored by Arts Council and Creative Partnerships.

Kirsten Hardie said

at 1:22 pm on Feb 25, 2009

UCAS website regarding Employability Profile and competencies in art and design etc are interesting to consider:
'Artists and designers tend to be independent, creative thinkers and it is common to be self- employed and/or to be in occupations involving project work and short-term contracts with both small and large organisations, working in product or industrial design, communications or digital and multimedia disciplines. Graduates often cross disciplines, for example from fine art to graphic design. They may work part time as a practitioner whilst simultaneously fulfilling management and academic roles.

Graduates are well placed to be effective in all sectors of a knowledge based society through their capacity for creativity through learning. '

Catherine Smith said

at 1:56 pm on May 28, 2009

Some refs I picked up from the Learning to be Professional conference at SCEPTrE:

Clegg, S. Bradley, S. (2006) Models of personal Development: Practices and Processes, British Educational Research Journal 32,1 pp. 57-76.

Eraut, M. (2007) Learning from other people in the workplace, Oxford Review of Education, 33 (4), 403-422

Eraut, M. (2009) The Role of Employers in Professional Learning, AERA conference, San Diego, April 2009

Catherine Smith said

at 12:20 pm on Jun 5, 2009

Ipsos MORI/VResearch report: Young people speak out: attitudes to, and perceptions of, full-time volunteering (June 2009)


Catherine Smith said

at 1:58 pm on Jul 24, 2009

Interesting Arts Council research into Cultural & Creative Self-Employment in Hard Times:

Nice to see the University of the Arts London contributing with our fab Enterprise Centre for the Creative Arts service mentioned as a useful resource: http://www.ecca-london.org (I used to work for them, so I would say that!)

Catherine Smith said

at 10:42 am on Jul 27, 2009

This looks good on student volunteering.

Research Synthesis: student volunteering - background, policy and context

Angeliki Triantafyllaki said

at 10:53 am on Jul 27, 2009

this looks interesting.
Wilson, J & Musick, M. (1997) 'Who cares? Towards an integrated theory of volunteer work'. American Sociological Review, 62.

Catherine Smith said

at 4:11 pm on Sep 24, 2009

An HEA funded paper looking at value of extra-curricular activities on graduate outcomes:


Catherine Smith said

at 4:14 pm on Sep 24, 2009

An Arts Council / Creative Partnerships paper:

Creative Partnerships literature review 1: Rhetorics of Creativity (Shakuntala Banaji & Andrew Burn, Institute of Educations, London)

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