Literature Review

This page contains the Literature Review and various Bibliographies of the project. The literature review aims to highlight dilemmas within the literature relating to the Project's focus. In this way, what began as a bibliographical list gradually, but systematically, developed into the conceptual framework of the project, informing and informed by the concept map, and ongoing analysis from pilot case studies and online surveys.


The bibliography aims to locate the investigation in context. Drawing on the aims and objectives of the research project, as well as the research questions, it initially aimed to capture what we are reading (updated monthly) on work-related learning, and creative transfer; situated learning; assessment in the arts; and creative industries, employability and entrepreneurship. 

1. Alphabetical Bibliography


2. Thematic Bibliography


3. Methodology Bibliography


4. Literature Review


Older versions of the bibliography/literature review are below:


5. Bibliography: Identifying tensions and dilemmas (as of 12.12.2008)


The part of the bibliography relating to volunteering in the public and third sectors. 

6. Bibliography - Volunteering.pdf (as of 08.07.2009)