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Planning and pitching workshop

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Saved by Catherine Smith
on May 6, 2010 at 3:22:30 pm

This page documents the collaborative workshop facilitated by Kirsten Hardie and Catherine Smith at London College of Communication on Wednesday 28th April 2010.


During the course of the day, a group of 21 students from AUCB, Surrey University and UAL came together to work on planning, pitching and getting feedback on their ideas for not-for-profit creative projects. Students came from a range of subject disciplines (from Fine Art to Business Studies) and levels (from first year to MBA) and are working on a range of exciting, innovative not-for-profit projects. Together they:  

  • Visualised their project proposal in a series of creative exercises.


  • Created action plans and gantt charts.


  • Learned about special considerations for not-for-profit projects, such as applying for funding.


  • Presented their project proposals to panels of experts drawn from leading not-for-profit organisations.


  • Received advice about their project and how to make it happen.


  • Networked with each other and fed back to one another about all the projects.


Some photos from the day:







A huge THANK YOU to all the students (from AUCB, from Surrey, from UAL) for attending, working so hard and delivering such great presentations. Well done to Lucy, Mohammed and Stephanie for winning presentations! You are ALL an inspiration:


Aditi Kundu (Surrey)

Ankit Mittal (Surrey)

Anna Cennamo (UAL)

Chiara Astuti (UAL)

David Fakray (AUCB)

Faye Penford (UAL)

Georgette McCarthy (UAL)

Hester Jones (UAL)

Jonas Altman (UAL)

Kelly Levell (AUCB)

Lucy Woodbridge (AUCB)

Marta Rudyk (AUCB)

Martina Guilianelli (UAL)

Mohammed Randeree (Surrey)

Nichol Keene (UAL)

Noriko Matsubara (UAL)

Prashant Mavani (Surrey)

Stephanie Turner (UAL)

Tom Wallace (Surrey)

Tori Noakes (AUCB)

Trish Jubb (AUCB)


A massive THANK YOU to all our lovely expert panel members:


Amy McNaughton-Brown, Barnardos

Christoph Warrack, Open Cinema

Ian Thompson, The Sorrell Foundation

Maggy Ritchie, Arts Community Exchange

Marie Milligan, The Enterprise Centre for Creative Arts

Martin Coyne, Bond and Coyne

Suzanne Creasey, The School for Social Entrepreneurs

Zoya Mustafa, Xstream East

The lovely lady from War on Want


SPECIAL THANKS to our lovely event sponsors at Shine, the Unconference for Social Entrepreneurs, for their support in providing 3 free tickets for the best 3 student presentations. SHINE is the biggest unconference in the UK for social entrepreneurs, and the place to go if you're interested in starting a social venture. At SHINE you'll be able to arm yourself with ideas, practical skills and 1-to-1 support, and can get the lay of the land by talking with other social entrepreneurs who are doing it now. SHINE takes place from 13th - 15th May in central London, tickets are £50 + VAT for students and social entrepreneurs. Book your tickets here. Exciting!



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