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Becoming a Creative Professional

Page history last edited by Catherine Smith 14 years, 2 months ago

“If you create something, you’re creative, aren’t you!”


This was the scathing response one Music student gave to the question of what creativity meant for him.  Why then, was it a subject that we felt it important to investigate? The workshop will present the findings of a recent study of where and how University of Surrey students in the creative arts learn to become professional, what they gain from being creative and their views on its transferability to other aspects of their lives. The methods used include: an on-line survey, completed by 40 undergraduates studying dance, music, music technology and theatre in the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences and the Guildford School of Acting, follow-up interviews with a selection of respondents and video recordings of a small sample.  The findings provide information for curriculum planning, but also stand alone as a fascinating insight into the complexity and richness of the undergraduate experience.  


Download the full report here.


To see a podcast of the report presented by Jenny, click here.


With many thanks to Dr Jenny Willis, SCEPTrE Researcher, for all her hard work on this fascinating case study.


We are pleased to announce that Jenny will be extending her work across other (non-arts) subject disciplines next academic year (2010-11).



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